Well we planted several things, months ago and just recently. Well the stuff Leo and I planted in the little planters the sun killed them, it was supposed to be as hot as them packages probably figured lol so they are all gone and dead. Hubby and Leo planted some a few weeks back we got some good little plants growing now. I got this brainiac idea about carrots I had some carrots for about 2 weeks, which really isnt long for them. I was shocked when I seen how green the ends looked and started growing little sprouts from the part that grows just above the dirt. So I told hubby plant these ohh they also had what looked like roots coming right out of the carrot itself. He planted them and wow they are growing on top the ground amazingly I just hope they produce more carrots lmao I dont know if it will or not honestly, nor have I searched it, maybe I will now :)
So here are some pictures I just took yesterday.